As a health monitoring tool of bolts in infrastructures, we propose a non-contact evaluation method for the axial force of a bolt. Deformation of the bolt head is measured as an electrical capacitance variation detected as a frequency shift of a simple circuit composed of a quartz crystal resonator and coils. The measurement was carried out via magnetic field coupling between the coil installed on the bolt head and another coil connected to the measurement instrument. Since the method requires no active electronic circuit or battery for the bolt, low cost and high durability can be expected. First, the circuit was analyzed and optimized using an equivalent circuit model. Then, the feasibility of the proposed method was experimentally studied using a prototype. It was demonstrated that the method enabled non-contact axial force estimation in which the dependence on the distance between the coils is sufficiently small for detecting bolt looseness.
長谷部(D2)の論文が Japanese Journal of Applied Physics に掲載
水晶振動子とコイルを用いたボルト頭部の変形に基づく非接触式ボルト軸力測定法に関する長谷部 (D2) の論文が Japanese Journal of Applied Physics に掲載されました。
Kazuhiko Hasebe, Yuji Wada, Kentaro Nakamura. "Non-contact bolt axial force measurem measurement based on the deformation of bolt head using quartz crystal resonator ," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 61, no.SG, 1022, (2022).