産総研との共同研究の成果が Clay Science に掲載
チクソトロピー性を有する流体中の音速測定に関する論文が Clay Science に掲載されました。本論文は、産業技術総合研究所の敷中一洋博士との共同研究の成果です。
K. Shikinaka, W. Qiu, N. Hayashi, Y. Mizuno, and K. Nakamura, "Ultrasonic velocity measurement in imogolite-based colloidal solution and thixotropic hydrogel," Clay Sci., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 15-18 (2019).
The ultrasonic velocities in a colloidal solution and a thixotropic hydrogel containing imogolite are measured. Our original experimental setup can detect the change of ultrasonic velocity caused by the mixing of imogolite and maleic acid in pure water. Using this setup, the ultrasonic velocity is found to remain unchanged during the macroscopic solid/liquid transition and viscoelastic change of a thixotropic hydrogel consisting of imogolite and maleic acid, which is consistent with previous literatures. Thus, the ultrasonic velocity measurement proves to be effective for the detection of well-dispersed clay minerals in diluted state, regardless of the phase and viscoelastic change of substances.