李(D2)・馬(M1)の論文が Scientific Reports に掲載

曲げ損失の影響を受けない傾斜利用ブリルアン光相関領域反射計に関する李(D2)・馬(M1)の論文が Scientific Reports に掲載されました。

H. Lee, T. Ma, Y. Mizuno, and K. Nakamura, "Bending-loss-independent operation of slope-assisted Brillouin optical correlation-domain reflectometry," Sci. Rep., vol. 8, 7844 (2018).

We demonstrate loss-insensitive operation of slope-assisted Brillouin optical correlation-domain reflectometry by employing a special silica fiber with low bending loss. As fundamental characterization, we measure the coefficients of the power-change dependencies on strain and temperature to be 1.42×10–4 dB/με and 3.28×10–3 dB/K, respectively. Subsequently, by comparing the distributed strain and temperature measurement results using a standard silica fiber and the special fiber, we show that this configuration offers highly stable loss-insensitive operation for practical use in the future.